Redsox Sports Talk


Active Member
So I figured I do something fdifferent on here , so what better than write a article sicne thats what im trying to become.
Im confused about the Redsox approach for their upcoming season , they have lossed GM Epstien , and now it seems as if they arent attacking Johnny Damon , I believe Damon is a big contibuting part of their high Run Scoring offense and without him in the lead off spot , or the locker room , They are going to be missing a big part of this team , I do understand that his arm is weak in Center field but he is still a tremendous fielder , making unbeleivable catches , and his bat is all you could expect for a center fielder to bring to the plate , so why arent the redsox persuing a contract with him as hard as they should be ...... it seems like they are more concerned with working with Ramerez on getting him a trade .... I think HEY ramerez is under contract with us , he is ON THE team lets deal with some of the players that we need to get back that are filing for free agency and then deal with Manny's petty issues , just because he is demanding a trade we shouldnt be putting all of our efforts into that , we need to look at getting Mueller and and Dmaon signed .... as far as manny and Wells go , ........ hey they got the contract they wanted 4 years tons of money . if they dont like it , why did they fight for it ...... dont do anything with them , let manny skip put on Spring trainging and then we dont have to pay him and that gives us a reason to cut him with no pay , then we have tons of money to go out and revive our bullpen....... Manny is a problem player , he has great stats dont get me wrong but he is also a liability in left field ........... Also what is the trend with everybody wanting Garciapara back ........ it isnt going to happen ...... the guy is injury prone and his Bat is flat out horrible right now , what are people seeing in the guy .... before i went after garciapara , id be trying to strike a deal with orlando Cabrera , the guy we should have never let get away in the first place ........ I am Appauled by the Redsox stupid moves .... and I tired of everybody whining about theo epstien leaving , he isnt that great of a GM , look at the position he put the redsox in , its insanity , we have 4 players locking up 80 million dollars and they are all over 40 , we have a ton of free agents and a player that wants out because of privacy issues ....... this is flat out ridiculous , he bought him self a team for ethe world series not thinking about the problems it would bring when we have top deal with free agency. Run Redsox fans , retreat while you can , because as being from Boston and a redsox fan my whole life , we wont be seeing a world series victory for another 86 years