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RO/DI units have no pressure.
Is it Flex tubing or is it vinyl tubing? You can pvc glue Flex tubing to my knowledge.
Vinyl tubing is made up of a whole other compound that PVC glue won't melt.
I'm going to find my cleaner and glue and some extra vinyl tubing and PVC so I can do the experiment myself to make sure I'm giving the right information. But, I am pretty sure that I am right.
Well My RO/DI unit from my reserve tank does have a steady pressure.
This is what will happen.
Once connected the Vinyl tubeing will get super soft due to it is melting. But once cured it will stick. Now just like I posted above there are other options. He is not stuck with PVC glue.
All I can tell you is what has worked for me in the past. I am just going off my experience. I had to use 2 pieces of Vinyl tubeing to connect to a piece of PVC due to My local hardware store did not have the right size adaptor to connect my 2 Flex tubes. So I had to PVC firs the 2 flexs to the Vinyl then the vinyls to the PVC
All I know is that this has worked for me for over 2 years with no leak.