Reducing water movement


New Member
I currently have 2 MJ 900 powerheads, an Emp 400, and a Bak-Pak skimmer running on my 55g FOWLR. When everything is running, the water movement is very strong and my fish and shrimp all stay hidden out of the current. They only move around when I turn everthing off for feeding. They seem to move better with 1 powerhead turned off (I think my feather dusters also appreciate the lower flow). There seems to be good flow in all areas of the tank. Do you think I will be OK if I leave the powerhead off?

nm reef

Active Member
Hmmm...I've run lots more current than that in a 55 display and actually could have had even more. Maybe re-direct or re-position the flow but not remove any. Just a guess here but I'd think you are running maybe 800 gph max....and if directed properly that shouldn't cause problems for fish or corals.:thinking:
But you could also remove a power head and have less current without major issues too....just depends on your particular situation I suppose.....