Reef Circulation


I have a 120 Gallon reef with 100 lbs. of LR. I am curious about how much circulation to have in the tank and the best places to have it. I currently have two maxi-jet mp500's. (One in each corner.) Just wondering if more circulation would help with minor algae/junk build up on the bottom.


Active Member
I would have a minimum of 1200 gph circulation(toatal) and in a tank that size, it would inlude at least 4 if not 5 powerheads


Active Member
I looked at you tank. Nice tank by the way.
Every tank is setup diferently. So everyone's water flow is also diferent.
I would face them down more and get another one and place it in the far left back corner and face it upward to get ripples in the water. This noy only gives oxygen to the tank but gives it a nice apearance when the lights are on. Good luck.


Active Member
it happens, i did get your email but was unable to respond, my comp went down, and i am using a loaner for now, but will reply soon;)