reef cleanup crew


New Member
was wondering about getting a cleenup crew for my 55 gal tank. but was wondering about the fish eating up the shrimp and pecking at the starfish. from my experience i have seen it done and costly. but was just wondering if anyone else knew about something i may haved done for that to happen? i have just a damsel in my tank right now since my lobster finally died of over a year in my tank. was supposed to be xmas dinner. thanks


Active Member
Hey Jim
Welcome to the board!!
What kind of fish do you have. Most community reef fish won't eat a cleanup crew.


New Member
thanks ross, like i stated i have just 1 blue damsel in it right now and my new filter comes tommorrow. then i want to order the cleanup crew package. then order some more fish and see which ones to get and stay away from. i know "it's your tank get what fish you like" answers on that question. :)