Reef Dried Out


Im at a lost right now. I just found out that I have like 3 big rocks that are called reef in my aquarium... and now Im wondering if that has killed my Raccoon Btterfly because he was not reef safe. So I called my pet store where I bought this reef from and they told me this reef is not real that it is dead and only like the skeleten is remaining... that is has all dried out. Would dried out reef be ok for fish that is not reef compatabile?? Im at a lost here


A non reef safe fish means that it will probably eat corals. It doesn't mean that reef corals will harm the fish. The reef rock that you have is not harmful to your fish.


I'm at a total loss as to what this all means..Do you mean dead coral's in/on your rock you have bought? If so no it wouldn't kill the fish in and of it's self. Just not too sure what you mean tho or I would maybe be able to help more? :notsure:


Active Member
base rock/ dried reef rock ussually white with no life forms on surface and iinside and ussually very cheap -1.00 /lbs. wheras
live reef rock is brown pink green purple with algeas and creatures living in and on it. ussually very expensive at - 5.00 /lbs


What you have are the skeletal remains of corals. But the question is, was it sold to you as live rock or base rock? Ask your LFS if its live rock. Live rock is rock/skeletal remains that still having living organisims present. This is a good thing to have in your tank. It adds to your filtration. It will in no way harm your fish.


Active Member
dried out...does that mean it cant cause a spike in your water paremeters? it could be the reason why yourfish died IF it had to go through a cycle and caused a spike in your paremeters.


WOW read that post 3 times to understand what you where looking for! I think it's just early for me!
Yes if you put even dead coral rocks in your tank ( depending on how much) you could cause an Ammonia spike and kill something!
It it possible there was something on the rocks, Dust from being stored, Did you rinse it off before you put it in the tank?


How long has the tank been setup? What size of tank? How long did you have the butterflyfish? Just asking because it sounds like you are a beginner and butterfly fish are definitely not for a newly setup tank!