Reef feeding

I was reading on a diy site about making your own reef food. Basically, the ingredients are squid, fish, vitamins, shrimp, spinach, and some others I can't remember. Blend these up and voila! You have reef food. Does anyone do this? What specifically do you use to feed corals?
I don't mix my own, but I buy something similar from a place near me. They mix it up and freeze it in blocks.
I have heard several people on this form comment about making their own food. I have toyed with the idea myself. I am waiting to find a cheap food processor/chopper. My wife would kill me if I used the blender!!:D
Mixing in garlic and vitamins would be good too.


Active Member
i do this and the shop that i work at uses this same recipie(not sure if its the one you saw or not) however we mix up squid krill, mussels, siilversides, phytoplankton, zooplankton, and nora seaweed, along with vitamin supplements, blend it up and freeze it in flat packs that we then sell to customers. it works great and ive been feedign my corals with it ever since. come feedign time, before the stuff even hits the water all the corals feeder tentacles are out!
good luck