reef help...please!


I have a 90g with 200lbs of LR and 4in LS bed...The tank has been up and running since sept 01. It was converted to reef 3 months ago. I also built a refugium 1 month ago, its 7 gallons with 10lbs of LR and 3 inch LS bed with 2 bags of caulerpa and some snail and crabs....I have tons of inverts and one naso tang in it and various soft corals. My water was perfect for months...Nitrate,nitrite and amonia was undectable..The issue was I was running bio-balls.
On saturday I removed all bio balls and added a flame hawk and a coral beauty. Here are my water parameter as of tonight:
Nitrite .01
Amonia .03
Nitrate 10
Should I be seriously concerend? At what point would these parameters start to kill fish? I am hoping that I have enough LR and LS that my water will get better fast...What do you think?


Active Member
your prolly just goin through a mini increased yout bioload by adding 2 fish at will pass and shouldnt be a huge worry...just keep watchin the perameters...


Active Member
I'm not an expert on bio-balls. But what I have read is that they should be taken out gradually or you can get this spike.
Well the damage is done now. I would do a water change and keep a close eye on the readings.
I'm sure someone here can give better advice, ;)


I agree with Dads comments about bio balls being removed slowly rather than all at once to prevent any cycling. It seems that your tank has plenty of live rock, sand, etc. where this shouldn't be a problem. Just a thought, can your test kit be off?


I will echo all the above, you've removed a part of your bio filtration and increased your bioload all at once.
just sit out the mini cycle and everything should be fine shortly.