Reef Lights / help!

big trigger

New Member
Hello Everyone,
The more I read the more I am confused by lights for my new Reef tank. I have had no problems with my water readings. In my 75 gallon I have 1 small hippo tang and 1 small black striped clown fish. 1 small sally lightfoot and 2 turbo snails. No live corals or anemmonies (spell?). I have a standard hood with two - 4 foot long bulbs. I added one (1) blue bulb, the best they have, yet I am told I need to upgrand to UVO or add two additional lights. I was told to have 2 white and 2 blue, minumin!
My question is that I have spared no expense but the costs are never ending. Can I put together my own hood lighting and add the bulbs? I do want to add some corals in the future and you guys seem to be the ones to ask. Please don't think I want to cheap rig my tank, I just think that smetimes people get rich off of good hobby people just to make a few extra bucks. Lighting is lighting and just tell me what watts to add and i'll hook up a massive light show. Remember, whoever makes the bulbs in the LFS orders them from somewhere. I'll pass the middle person and save a few. One last thing, I keep hearing about Protein Skimmers. Not to run them much for corals? half the time or something? PLEASE HELP. I CAN USE AN OPINION. If you answer me, please explain why as well as how!
Looking forward to replies:)
Big Trigger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
[This message has been edited by Big Trigger (edited 07-02-2000).]
[This message has been edited by Big Trigger (edited 07-02-2000).]


skimmers are needed all the time to rip out dissolved organics from the water. Get a good one rated at twice the volume of the tank ie for a 75-gallon buy a skimmer rated for a 150-gallon and NOT a SeaClone! I keep mine running all the time except after I have fed my corals phytoplankton, I leave it off for that night and then turn it straight back on again next morning.
As for lighting, that depends on what you want to keep. If all you want to keep is soft corals and polyps, then a few NO1 fluorescents will be fine. However, for hard corals, clams, anemones, etc, you will need more light. I have over 1000 watts of light over my 180-gallon. However, research the lighting requirements of the animals you want to keep before you buy something to avoid spending money unneccessairly or, worse, not meet the requirements of the animals. For example, if all you want to keep is soft corals, a few LPS hard corals such as Euphyllia, Bubble corals, etc, then you will not need much more light, a few PC's or 150-watt MH's will do fine. However, if you plan on keeping SPS, then you will want 250 or perhaps even 400-watt MH's.
Hope this helps,


I agree with REP.. it matters on what you want to do with the tank.... I have a VHO and a 50/50 hood on my tank.... the cost of the vho was 138 bucks and the other was 100 bucks..... skimmers are up to you ..... but if you want the water clean it is nice to have.... ..