Reef lights


me again :jumping:
I started reading online about reefs etc. (I haven't finished yet)
My major concern is lighting, well even for fish only. I am redoing my master suite and put the aquarium in there, so on my bad days, I could listen to the soft sounds etc while lying down. So far, I have not moved all of my furniture down there, so have not spent a lot of time down there, except to look at the damsels everyday and give them a feed.
My question:
Can reef bulbs be put into my regular ballast? Do they flicker bad?
I know fluorescents are a BIG trigger to my seizures. Most people don't know they flicker anyway, so fast the normal eye is not bothered, but for me, BAM on the ground I go and flop like a fish out of water...pun
I am not sure how aquarium lighting will go for me, the only times I have had bad experiences with fluro is in a room that is lighted by it. I hope once I move down there, it will not be a problem, but I could always cut the lights off at early eve.
Any suggestions on lighting if I go reef? Will it fit my current ballast?
I have cc substrate is that ok for reef?
Alane (who hopes she hasn't written checks her body can't cash)


Active Member
If you are at all concerned about fluorescents affecting your medical condition I wouldnt use them. If you really want a reef, go with Metal Halides. They are more expensive than T5 fluorescents, but if your health is involved, its better to be safe than sorry!!!


i would get rid of the cc cause all it will do is make ur nitrates high and keep it all in the cc and eventally make ur tank a disaster unless u clean ur cc all the time. i would switch to sand.


Yeah, I have never had any problems except while in a room, but that is the most experience I have had with. I don't mind the exra $$
do they make them to fit into a regular ballast, or will I need to buy another one.
Originally Posted by DragonZim
If you are at all concerned about fluorescents affecting your medical condition I wouldnt use them. If you really want a reef, go with Metal Halides. They are more expensive than T5 fluorescents, but if your health is involved, its better to be safe than sorry!!!


i have cf and they dont fliker at all. but this is my first set up and i got it for 75 bucks and gives me enough light to do lps,leathers,anemones,softies.
i got it at a store closing down.
but i dont like MH the bulbs are like 80 bucks for each one. but IMO i would go with t5's.


Thanks, I will discuss that with the maintenance guy to see whether the schedule I have is adequet, or wheher I need to be doing changed in between as well. also have a very thin layer of substrate, but yall talked me into that live
Originally Posted by xcdennisx
i would get rid of the cc cause all it will do is make ur nitrates high and keep it all in the cc and eventally make ur tank a disaster unless u clean ur cc all the time. i would switch to sand.


I went down and spent a LOT of time looking at my aquarium (hubby was here who is cpr cert) I have a full canopy and the flicker did not bother me, but it was daylight. Do the T5's fit regular ballast, or should I buy a new complte light system?
Sorry for all of the stupid questions
. I did order 3 books today, so hopefully my questions will start being
what are MH?
Thanks bunches!
Originally Posted by walmart
i have cf and they dont fliker at all. but this is my first set up and i got it for 75 bucks and gives me enough light to do lps,leathers,anemones,softies.
i got it at a store closing down.
but i dont like MH the bulbs are like 80 bucks for each one. but IMO i would go with t5's.