So tonight we picked up some of our cured live rock from the LFS. Much to our surprise there is a Purple Reef Lobster and a very small (3/4") Randalli Pistol Shrimp in the bucket when we got home.
Have some questions, because I'm reading differing opinions. I have 2 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp and 2 Peppermints in my tank as well as 2 Yellow Watchmen Gobies. I know the gobies are technically "shrimp gobies" but I think the pistol might be too small to put in the tank at the moment.
So my questions:
1) Is the Randalli Pistol Shrimp safe with other shrimp, hermits, porcelain anemone crab? IF so, is it too small for our gobies, which are 2" and 3"?
2) Is the Purple Reef Lobster (Debelius' Reef Lobster) safe with my shrimp and other inverts?
3) If both are safe, can I have both in the same tank?
Have some questions, because I'm reading differing opinions. I have 2 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp and 2 Peppermints in my tank as well as 2 Yellow Watchmen Gobies. I know the gobies are technically "shrimp gobies" but I think the pistol might be too small to put in the tank at the moment.
So my questions:
1) Is the Randalli Pistol Shrimp safe with other shrimp, hermits, porcelain anemone crab? IF so, is it too small for our gobies, which are 2" and 3"?
2) Is the Purple Reef Lobster (Debelius' Reef Lobster) safe with my shrimp and other inverts?
3) If both are safe, can I have both in the same tank?