Reef Lobster and Pistol Shrimp came as hitchhikers ... now what?


So tonight we picked up some of our cured live rock from the LFS. Much to our surprise there is a Purple Reef Lobster and a very small (3/4") Randalli Pistol Shrimp in the bucket when we got home.
Have some questions, because I'm reading differing opinions. I have 2 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp and 2 Peppermints in my tank as well as 2 Yellow Watchmen Gobies. I know the gobies are technically "shrimp gobies" but I think the pistol might be too small to put in the tank at the moment.
So my questions:
1) Is the Randalli Pistol Shrimp safe with other shrimp, hermits, porcelain anemone crab? IF so, is it too small for our gobies, which are 2" and 3"?
2) Is the Purple Reef Lobster (Debelius' Reef Lobster) safe with my shrimp and other inverts?
3) If both are safe, can I have both in the same tank?


Active Member
there are mixed reviews with the pistol shrimp, but you got a nice one that usually pairs up with gobies. If it is though too small for the gobies you have (my pink/blue spotted goby ATE a pistol shrimp...) then you could always put the PS into say a hamster sphere (or something smaller) until it grows up.
the lobster should be invert safe. that's a nice hitcher, but i'm not sure on how reef friendly they are.
be warned...the pistol MAY end up eating your other shrimp. i've not been able to keep any other shrimp besides sexy shrimp, and i think it's due to my pistol. there are videos (although, the validity of those videos is questionable) showing pistols eating cleaners. pistols are a very pain in the butt when it comes to sand. i hope your rock wall is securely mounted on the glass and not the sand.


Well the Pistol Shrimp is in the QT tank right now. I haven't decided what I'm going to do about him, but the lobster, he's in my tank.
We never noticed the lobster until we transferred the rock into our 155G and as we were placing it, out flew a purple and pink lobster. So far he's left all the fish and shrimp alone, but I don't know. I'm not happy about something what that size claw in my tank, I mean, I didn't even want a coral banded shrimp. I guess we'll just see how it goes.
I think the pistol shrimp is going to be the new inhabitant of my 14G.


Active Member
Haha send the pistol my way if you don't want it. I'll happily take the cute little guy off of your hands. I'm in the process of making my next tank, which will be a five gallon solely dedicated to a pistol/goby pair. =P


Well, the Purple Reef Lobster killed my Green Spotted Mandarin before we caught him tonight
I'm so pissed. We won't discuss what my husband just did to the lobster


Active Member
My XL Lunare wrasse is $20/per day to rent. I promise all the inverts will be gone
As Bang Guy pointed, reviews are split right down the middle. Plenty of "model citizens' and plenty of "caught red handed."


So the mandarin isn't dead
but he did get shaken up a bit and has some pieces missing from his fin. Any advice on what I should do for him? Leave him be?


Active Member
Aw, congrats! I would be so upset if something killed my mandarin (if I had one, reef isn't established enough yet). Definetly my fav fish. Anyways, if the fish isn't getting picked on by anything else and seems ok, I'd leave him be in the DT. I don't know about any meds for fin-regrowth, but if someone else knows they can chime in. You might have to put him in the QT, but I doubt it.
Just wondering, how big is the pistol?


The pistol is tiny! He's about 1/2-3/4" long and very thin. It was hard to tell what he was at first until I caught him and bagged him to acclimate him properly. It's definitely a Randalli though, no doubt. He's in my 14G right now. We've been using the 14G as a QT lately, but I want to get it up and running as a nano again and keep the pistol shrimp and pair him with a baby watchman (probably a yellow or pink spotted). I just have to convince my husband, which should not be too hard considering we have other things we can use as a QT. I fear that there may be another pistol in my DT that's about the same size as this guy. I'm going to try to see later, and then it's going to be interesting trying to catch him if it is.....
The one time I don't keep an eye on my husband when he's adding things to the tank, this is what I get, LOL. A reef lobster and a pistol shrimp (possibly 2). This is why I am so pro "Quarantine EVERYTHING!" He's not though....
wow, nice hitchikers, I payed dearly for my pistol (the first one the LFS gave me didn't survive -.- lucky they made it up to me! I was a neby and took one that had been in a fight and lost a limb on the base that it would regrow it).
Anyhow, enjoy your pistol.. mine has been in my tank about a month and has gotten cocky enough to snap his claw anytime he hears a snap on tv or from myself lol. Also my flame angel loves to play with him.. I.e. he likes to sleep in caves.. and usually picks out one that has just been dug by the pistol, they go back and forth for awhile until one of them gives up (usually the shrimp and it digs a new hole lol!)
Sorry to hear about the lobster.. or more I should say the mandarin! just wow...