Reef: New additions


Active Member
These pics are only about 30 mins after acclimating, so none of them are fully open, I will post more later tonight and tomorrow..




Active Member
Yes I like them a lot too, I'm pretty sure the little cluster towards the top of the rock are some other kind, do you agree?


Active Member
ya they have my bulk heads been waiting to get them for 3 weeks and when i finally go in to get them his lazy workers dont even look around and tell me to come by another time.


Active Member
Wow...That's lame...Yeah today the guy was in there who I think is the know, the blonde guy? He was really u seful...lmao, hooked me up with soem free silvertides too, Have you seen the new smaller tanks they're stting up in the back? Well they arent really tanks...But you knwo like the glass compartments? Yeah anwyays...He's setting up a 125 grow out tank with shelves too.


Active Member
ya the guy knows me his name is rod. he is a friend of mr umstead. umstead did all his cabinet work. and umstead told him about should hook me up w/ some of that frogspawn
i didnt know zach had a fish tank


Active Member
Lol yeah how'd you know that? Yeah he told me about that, he's buliding him two new reef tanks, and he is gonna teach classes how to handle and frag corals and stuff next year when they are all finished..SICK.


Active Member
what thats sick, will it be at umsteads class or at the pet store?
i checked the members list. u can see what they post and stuff


Active Member
Oh I see, yeah he is setting up two in his class, he didnt tell me how big but alls he said was that they were going to be BIG. Im stoked