reef octopus nwb 150



how are the reef octopus nwb 150? i am looking to buy a skimmer and dont what to buy one thats not no good.


Active Member
Originally Posted by brad4racer
how are the reef octopus nwb 150? i am looking to buy a skimmer and dont what to buy one thats not no good.
how big is the tank and the sump.
reef octopus is a rip off version of vertex, warner marine . i used a msx 300 (SAME THING AS REEF OCTOPUS)before rated up to 600 gallons and it was great for 400 dollars.


idk what the b is...but i have an octo nw150 on my 125 and i love the thing. no probs and it skims like crazy...take off the silencer on the air tube and it skims even crazier...good deal


my tank is 75gal and my sump is 20gal. i found one for around 200 new is this a good deal?


I have a nw150 on my 55 gal tank and it works great.
Isnt a nw150 too small for a 125 gal?
I plan on upgrading to a 125 or 135 soon and I was planning on replacing my skimmer. (It has a gate valve mod and a drilled cup to a larger storage container)


Originally Posted by Bla403
I have a nw150 on my 55 gal tank and it works great.
Isnt a nw150 too small for a 125 gal?
I plan on upgrading to a 125 or 135 soon and I was planning on replacing my skimmer. (It has a gate valve mod and a drilled cup to a larger storage container)
its recommended for up to 150 gal...i wld like to have the 200 on my 125 but i was short on cash when i was setting up. it works great for me though. that and my fuge keeps the water perfect
pm me for info where to get it for cheep