Reef or FOWLR help


Okay, I've got my 56 loaded up with some live rock that was cured really well so now i've got a few weeks or so to "stew" so to speak on a stock list. My biggest pet peeve is to do something then realize because I did that I cant do something else I like better... i.e. buy a car then next month a cooler/cheaper/whatever car comes out. To avoid that I'm asking for help, while my tank does have lighting to be a full blow reef (175W metal halide).
Can some folks give me some ideas of fish that would work if i was to do a FOWLR instead of a reef. I know I shouldnt have tangs anyway, and I shouldn't have 'full size' angels,but is there anything I might miss, so far on my list are lions and triggers and eels.
Also, can someone tell me on a side note can a garden eel go in a reef or is that FOWLR only :)
Thanks a bunch

tank a holic

Active Member
so you're deciding now that you dont eventually want to turn this tank into a reef and you're looking for "non reef safe" fish?


I guess I just want to look at both options a bit deeper thats all my main stocklist is reef safe nonaggressive, but if there is that one "holy S__T" fish that could make it worth not doing coral, I dont want to find it after I've got hundreds of $$ in coral

Originally Posted by tank a holic
so you're deciding now that you dont eventually want to turn this tank into a reef and you're looking for "non reef safe" fish?

tank a holic

Active Member
there's plenty of these "holy %^$*" fish
any angel fish, but make sure your tank is big enough for the one you pick
Lion fish
Harlequine Tusk (awesome)
Most butterfly's
several wrasses
theres some awesome looking triggers too


yeah, well I figured that out, so I'm going to go reef, I've picked a few fish and I'll be researching them more and asking q's here more in a little bit
Thanks very much
Originally Posted by nycbob
lionfish, eel and a trigger could be too much for a 56 gallon setup to handle.

small triggers

Active Member
your best approach is to look at ALL the fish available and decide if there is one that you MUST!!!!! have and go from there,,, if you LOVE coral,,, then start there and stock what you love the most and fit everything else around that,,, its going to take your choice... I love!!!!my niger trigger, and because of him and my arch eye hawk i cannot add anything else to my 150g tank,,, but i love them the most so its alright...