Hey I'm thinkin about gettin the129.99 package deal on here. Now i would get the big one but i dont want everything going to war when they get in the tank. I currently have a bursa trigger and 6 damsels. I also have a simple marine shark thats real peaceful. The triggers nice also and you can hand feed him. Can i buy one of these packages and be ok? Ive only had the trigger for a week or so and I've only had the tank runnin for a few months. Now I would rather have alot of inverts rather than a trigger. Should he go or what? He was knocken snails off the wall but not now. Also are the packages themselves compatible. They give you alot of stuff. I would rather have the big package, as long as it is'nt WW3 in there. I have a 125 gal. tank, skimmer, 2 canisters, DSB & CC, ect...