Reef Ready, Anenome Ready?


Here are my perams as of today. Coral has looked healthy for about a month. Tank has been up almost 5 months, finally enjoying some corraline growth! From all the reading I've done, it looks like I'm on the right track! Except for the minimal phosphates and nitrates which I'm working on. I'm acclimating my final fish now, a new Midas blenny!
Ph 8.2
Nitrate 5-10ppm
Nitrite 0ppm
Ammonia 0
Phosphates -0.5 ppm-
Alk 7-8 dkh
Calcium 420 mg/l
more info here
when can I safely keep an anemone? Any other comments for me on the perams, setup?
PC lighting is not adequate lighting for a clown hosting anemone, IMO. Anemones also don't tolerate nitrates very well. They are difficult enough to keep with proper lighting and prestine water parameters so you would already have a couple things against you.


Any anenomes that could do well under PC? If not I'll just keep adding corals.
I'm not really looking for the clown to host. He pretty much controls the tank and I think hes worked out his own hiding places. Also I understand tomato clowns dont host well anyway.
If you are not worried about hosting check out a tube anemone. They are actually worms but have long flowing tentacles and come in some pretty neon colors. They do pack a sting (so don't let them touch any corals) but do not require bright lighting since they are not photosynthetic. They also stay where you put them.


I will check them out, Thanks!
The new blenny is doing great, eating, and hiding! (Horrible cam quality)


Originally Posted by ZmyDust
Any anenomes that could do well under PC? If not I'll just keep adding corals.
I'm not really looking for the clown to host. He pretty much controls the tank and I think hes worked out his own hiding places. Also I understand tomato clowns dont host well anyway.
I have kept my Sebae anemone for a year now under PC lighting in my 29g, and my two false percula hosted it aswell.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by ZmyDust http:///forum/post/3070073
Here are my perams as of today. Coral has looked healthy for about a month. Tank has been up almost 5 months, finally enjoying some corraline growth! From all the reading I've done, it looks like I'm on the right track! Except for the minimal phosphates and nitrates which I'm working on. I'm acclimating my final fish now, a new Midas blenny!
Ph 8.2
Nitrate 5-10ppm
Nitrite 0ppm
Ammonia 0
Phosphates -0.5 ppm-
Alk 7-8 dkh
Calcium 420 mg/l
more info here
when can I safely keep an anemone? Any other comments for me on the perams, setup?

anemones are beautiful...they eat fish that swim into them, and they have a bad habit of getting sucked up in the power heads...and move where they want to go. They also sting coral while on the move.
If you really want one…make sure you cover all power heads..they take very bright lights, so PC lights are not need MH or T5s…be prepared for the moving around until it is happy stage…there is not much you can do to protect coral or fish…I was glad to get rid of mine. I had it for 3 years…it got to where my existing fish knew to stay away..but new fish didn’t last a day. So I couldn’t add anything new after a short while.
Be very sure you really want one before you add it to the tank. Blennys that like the rocks and moving all over were the most eaten victims. Good luck.


Originally Posted by JESSE!
I have kept my Sebae anemone for a year now under PC lighting in my 29g, and my two false percula hosted it aswell.
+1 My two percs host my Sebae under PC lights in my 55 gal. The Sebae has been in there for 4+ months and it's doing just fine. It took the percs about 2 months or so to start hosting it though.