reef ready or not reef ready, that is the question


i am in the process of setting up a new 90gal. i am torn between buying a RR tank or not. i can get a non RR tank for about $250 from a local petsmart, however the RR tank would cost about $400 at my lfs. my question is if the twin-flo is that much better or could i get away with using a hang on overflow?
FYI the 90gal RR only comes with one overflow. I could use 2 hangons for more circulation.


Hi, I thought that a 90 had two built in overflows? I like the RR option. much cleaner set-up IMO. But if you plan on a reef you might need more flow than 1 box could handle. HTH


Active Member
RR for sure! That $150.00 now won't be remembered, but having a hang on overflow to look at will always be there.
Good Luck!


Active Member
If you don't get the reef ready you will glady spend double for one when you come home to a house full of water. Spend the money and get the built in overflow NOW.