Reef Ready tank vs Overflow Box?


Active Member
So I'm shopping for a new tank and I have a technical question.
I have a 240g and a 75g both with built in Overflows (Reef Ready).
I also have a 180g with a Continous Siphon Overflow box on the back.
All three running Wet/Dry's.
So my question is if a RR tank takes up inside space in your tank, what makes it any better/worse than an Overflow hang on box?


Active Member
they are not near as likely to fail and cause a flood. they also take in some water from lower levels in your tank thus giving a little more flow in the lower area


Active Member
Reef ready tanks are less likely to have failure with the overflow, plus you don't have to worry about the size of your return pump. With a HOB overflow you return pump needs to be 70-100% of the overflows rating after headloss is subtracted, with a reef ready tank your return can be anywhere from 0-100% of the overflows rating.