reef safe angel


Are there any reef safe dwarf angels? I was considering a bicolor or coral beauty (once i verify my water is safe).


Almost all dwarf angels are considered to be a bit of a risk in a reef. Several people on this board have kept Coral Beauties in their reef w/o incident. I have a flame angel in my reef, and he (thus far) is well-behaved w/ respect to the corals. He does bully and chase the other fish around a bit.


Pygmy angels are a mixed bag. Some do great in reefs, and others will pick corals to death. It seems to be an individual thing, not a species one. Some flame angels are known to pick, while some are fine. I recommend you pick the species you want to try, and watch them carefully. Feed them well to try to keep them uninterested in the corals. If you notice them picking, it will only get worse. Remove it as soon as possible. You might be lucky and get one that has no interest in corals. They are nice to have in reefs if they don't pick!


Active Member
try a cherub pygmy, ive never heard of them munching on corals in a reef. most others are hit and miss, usually miss. bo

nm reef

Active Member
I have a outstanding lil pygmy in my coral ain't a concern but its a beautiful fish and very my reef I've got a medium size coral beauty that is outstanding.....peaceful and never nips the corals(so far) its color is very nice to watch as it circulates around the tank going in and out of the rock........


You just might want to be careful with adding sponge to your reef. Since most angels eat sponge they may nip on that, but I have seen flame and coral beauties in reefs with little or no problems.