Reef safe angelfish?


I've heard angels are hit or miss with reef tanks. I used to have a flame angel back when my tank only had a few corals and it was also not really set up right to have happy fish.
Im going to the store to get water and wondered if anyone had experience with an angel in their reef tank that is good tempered not eating corals.


Dwarf or large?
As far as dwarfs go, coral beauties are considered one of the safest. I've had luck with both a coral beauty and a flame angel. African flamebacks, cherubs and pygmy angels are usually also considered fairly safe.
Large angels: Lamark's and Bellus are the two most known for being reef safe. The Genicanthus sp. as a whole are considered the reef safe group of large angels.


Thanks for the advice! I decided to go completely left field and ended up with 4 blue chromis and a goatfish. All are really cool and brought great movemnet to the tank. The goatfish is really cool and I was unfamiliar with him!


What type of goat fish?
Honestly, I would not have recommended one for your tank. They can deplete a sand bed of it's beneficial fauna very quickly, essentially making it not "live" anymore. They will eat almost any invertebrate. Some species are even known to eat smaller fish as they mature. They also need very large tanks with plenty of open sand to survive long term. I definitely recommend doing a lot of research on your new addition. You may find that it's best to return it.


I researched it and he is a small one still. Has not done any harm yet. The guy at the fish store is very familiar with my tank and assured me it would not pose a threat to anything in my tank. He really likes my cleaner shrimp he swims right up to him and lets the cleaner shrimp clean his gills and inside his mouth. I do have my eye on him though because if anything goes missing he's going back.


I don't trust LFS's.
While small he may not pose much of a threat, but your size tank, especially set up as a reef is really not a good idea for a goatfish of any variety long term. Do you happen to know which type it is?