Reef Safe Dwarf Angel

Was wondering what sort of Dwarf Angel is reef safe. I have no corals now, but hope to get into it this fall. Tank has been running since Feb., details are below. Any help would be great.


I have Atlantic Pygmy Angel and White Tail Pygmy Angel in my 75 G reef tank. No problem at all.
Drawf angel in reef is 50/50.
but I heard alot of positive reports on them.
for 55 G tank I would get 1 Atlantic Pygmy Angel.
Every fish is different.


we have a coral beauty on our 29 reef and he's been behaving pretty good....
here's a couple more i've heard good responses from: lemonpeel, flame, eibl's, bi-color....

cap'n pete

Most dwarf angels (with maybe the exception of the atlantic pygmy or african flameback) may have a tendency to peck at certain reef inhabitants, mostly clams and scallops. If you don't plan on having mullusks in the tank I wouldn't worry too much on what kind to get. I have a coral beauty that only grazes on the rocks and doesn't touch any coral. As stated, all fish are hit or miss. Personally, I love dwarf angels and probably will never have a tank without one!