Reef Safe FIsh ?

I have a 75G with Colt coral, Green elegance, and a Frogspawn. What are some of the types of fish I can keep in this tank.
Other fish in the tank are 2 Bluetailed Dam. and 2 Clown. 1 lawnmower blenney
Thanks for the help

kris walker

Active Member
I don't know about the compatibility issues with the damsels, but I know firefish, jawfish, green chromis, gobies, some wrasses, and royal grammas are great reef-safe fish.

tru conch

Active Member
one of my favorite fish in my 75 gal is my yellow headed jawfish. very sociable fish, and fun to watch.


My 75 has a yellow tang, royal gramma, 3 true percs and a red fairy wrasse. The fairy wrasse was a great addition because it drew the royal gramma out of the rocks, and the fairy wrasse now thinks it's one of the clown fish. The tang is happy because none of the other fish threaten its territory (which is the entire tank), so it swims along with all of them too.


Get a Percula Clown or a false perc. They have wonderful personalities! Red lipped blennys or bi colors are great too. cleaner shripm are fun to watch as well as neon gobies. i just added a convict blenny. I really like him. bangaii Crdnals are another good choice.