Reef Safe Ich Treatment!


New Member
One of my clowns came down with a mild case of ich, so I went to my LFS and bought Ich Attack made by Kordon. Its reef safe and it seems to be working. I'll keep you updated on whether or not its worth looking into.


You may or may not know but ich has a 30 day life cycle. Even if the fish is free of external parasites, there is a good chance the ich is still alive in your tank. The ich cysts will fall off the fish, fall onto the substrate and will gestate there for almost a month, then re-appear on the fish. Most encountering ich for the first time think this is a secong case of ich, but really just the same case following its life cycle. Treatment must last this period to kill off all the visible external parasites off the fish and also kill all the cysts in the substrate.
Good Luck.


New Member
Yep, I'm aware of this. I'm just letting you know that so far, early into the treatment, it is working. Thanks for the info though.


Active Member
I also am completely aware of the cycle. I too have tried a product that was reef safe a year ago (1/2 dose) and no signs of ick still. I did this when I had only anemones and feather dusters (if thats even a reef, but..). What is in your reef now? Just keep a close eye on the tank, hope all works out.


New Member
Right now I have
1 Royal Gramma
2 True Percula Clowns
3 Green Chromis
1 Scissor Tail Goby
1 Blood Fire Shrimp
1 Peppermint Shrimp
1 Coral Banded Shrimp
10 Blue Legged Hermit Crabs
2 Turbo Snails
1 Sebea Anemone
So far everything is looking just dandy:)


Active Member
All I can say is this kind of stuff will usually only work if you use it for an entire month past the last ich spot is seen because the medicine only kills the infectious swimming stage, and the cysts fall off the fish and can and will live unseen in the gravel for up to a month before they hatch as new swimmers to reinfect your fish. Good luck, Lesley