Reef Save?



I've been thinking of purchasing a blue tang(Hippo, Regal). Are these completly reef safe? Another question, the blue tang I,ve been looking at is very, very small. Will it be hard to keep a tang this size alive? Will my med. Yellow Tang be aggresive towards it?


The regal (hippo) tangs are reef safe.....look real nice too, but can get very large a few years down the road. Also that yellow tang will be merciless for a while so make sure the regal has hiding places or even keep it in a breeding tank inside your tank to see what the yellow tang does.


I have kept a Regal tang in a reef tank myself with no problems but some experts recomend that they are not compatible. The Regal and the Yellow will probably fight but who can be sure that they will not settle down peacefully after a few days.


if you do mix the tangs be sure to rearrange the tank so it will confuse the other tang and he will think he is in a new place and will be to worried about checking out the new area to worry about the new guy.... do this every time you add a new one to the tank........ (personal exp talkin here)


I have a blue in both my tanks they get along fine with the yellow but they could fight at first and if its small could get killed. I had a tomato clown kill some in my tank yrs ago. I had the 1 in my 150 for 5 yrs now and its about 7 inches long. Reef safe they like algae. Funny thing was I got a kole tang the other day and my purple was picking on it and my big blue went in-between them to protect the kole. I really love that fish. They are all getting along now.