reef tank and ICK



I developed Ick in my 55gal reef tank. I have removed all fish to a 75 gal, and they are reacting well to copper. How long can the ICK live in a reef tank with out a host? I do not want to add fish back until it is safe. I am keeping the fish in the hospital tank for 3 weeks total. Is this sufficient? I NEVER want to experience this again. It has been BAD.


I've heard that copper might cause clowns and pygmy angels a bit more harm than to other fish. Some symptoms of copper poisonig in clowns is pop eye. i've heard that pygmy angels can develope a slow erosion of their intestines and hence a frequent "sudden death" even if the fish was feeding and exhibiting good color. Dont trest everything though. Always double check with someone esle.


Active Member
That's overexposure to copper...copper poisoning. It's more common in tangs than anything. I think the fish are fine. You could probably tell if they weren't reacting well to something.
Leave the tank fallow for about 28 days just to be sure. The ich life cycle is generally 21 days, but it can often go a few days longer than that, and by the sounds of it you'd rather be safe than sorry. :)
Also, you may want to consider keeping your fish for a little over three weeks. Like I said, 21 days is the bare minimum time they should be in quarantine for ich. I know you want to get them back into their normal surroundings as soon as possible, but it's always good to be a hundred percent sure with something like ich.


Thank you, I was told that 3 weeks was safe, but 4 weeks was better. Do you think if I do go 4 weeks it will be safe to return all of the fish back? The clowns are really missing their anemone. They lay flat with the water surface until feeding time. Then they are fine.


Active Member
Your clowns will be fine. It'll just make them appreciate their anemone even more when they return to it. :) What all do you have in the tank besides the fish?
Four weeks is perfect.