Reef Tank Costs


I currently have a 55 gal. FO. I have had fresh and salt tanks for 10 years. I have always considered getting into a reef tank. I have read this board and others for quite a while to learn and consider various options. As I get closer to a decision I would like to start making sure I know what I am getting into cost wise. I understand a lot has to do with how far you go.
I currently have 1* 2" of crush coral, no live rock, decrative coral, w* d with bioballs and Rio 2100, sinlge 40w light, test kits for PH, Amonia, nitrites and nitrates.
I buy premade water from my LFS for .89 per gal. I know I pay more than making it myself but it is easy and I can buy it the day I need it. No premixing, RO'ing my on water, etc.
Here is what I know* think I need and approx cost:
better lights w/ hood $400 - 600+
skimmer - $200+
live rock around 80lbs- $4 - 7 per lb.
live sand ??
inhabitants - endless cost
I also have no idea about monthly upkeep costs. Things like trace elements, additional tests, new bulbs, etc.
I will likely proceed slowly and start to upgrade my lighting, buy a skimmer, start buying live rock, etc. over the next year or so. Then dive in with the reef tank after that.
Can someone help me with the overall cost so I know whether I really want to proceed and how fast or slow.
I appreciate your thoughts and help. I love looking at all of the tank pics on here and would like to upgrade mine if it is feesable on my pocket.


YOu will need the lights. Look into PC lights first.
Also buy a good skimmer. You can install inside the sump if possible.
No need for a UV. Everyone I know doesn't use one.
Also plenty of good* nice live rock. Set this up and wait a few weeks.
Read, read, read and then slwoly add your clean up crew.


Sometimes you can reduce the total cost of live rock by purchasing some base rock and then put the live rock on top of it.