Active Member
so i have a 36 bowfront reef tank that is not on a stand...its on a dresser. because of this i cant get a sump or canister filter. im looking for some way to upgrade from my aquaclear 50 that i have now. im looking for the best filtration possible for the situation that im in. i heard the best hob skimmer is the octopus so i might get one of those. any ideas on a good filter combination. brands? types of filters? they all need to be essentially hang on items.
my plan right now is to get an octopus hob filter that has filter space. i would fill the filter space with bio balls to get more biological filtration. then i would keep my aquaclear the way it is to give me all three types of filtration.
are bio balls good or bad? nitrate factories? i've heard that they work well but need to be swished in water to keep them from turning into a nitrate factory.
my plan right now is to get an octopus hob filter that has filter space. i would fill the filter space with bio balls to get more biological filtration. then i would keep my aquaclear the way it is to give me all three types of filtration.
are bio balls good or bad? nitrate factories? i've heard that they work well but need to be swished in water to keep them from turning into a nitrate factory.