reef tank white threads in sand and rocks


New Member
I have had a reef tank set up for about 5 years now. The question I have is there are these white, threadlike worms? that live in my live rock and also in the sandbed. They build tubes in the sand and then the thread comes out and waves in the water. Does anyone know what they are and how to get rid of them? Sure could use some help since lfs haven't provided any answers.:help:

bang guy

If there are a pair of threads then it's a type of sessile Snail. If there's a whole bunch of threads sprouting from the same hole then it's either a Terebellid or Cirratulid Worm. Typically, white threads would be from a Terebellid Worm.


New Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
If there are a pair of threads then it's a type of sessile Snail. If there's a whole bunch of threads sprouting from the same hole then it's either a Terebellid or Cirratulid Worm. Typically, white threads would be from a Terebellid Worm.

I looked at these with a 25x magifier and they appear to be two from the same hole. They are also clear and not white under magnification. Thanks:)