Reef tankammonia test


New Member
I noticed that some of my corals have not come out in a while so I tested my tank w/a tetra test kit and the only thing that was a little high was my ammonia level (0.25). How can i fix this and does it have an effect on corals? :needhelp:


i think high ammonia has a negative effect on almost everything :confused: Look online for the water specs for whatever kind of coral you have. google it. do you have any fish? when was the last time you did a water change? this helps the ammonia come down a little if you are consistent with it.


Active Member
Ammonia shouldn't be in there, and has a negative impact on the corals/fish. :yes: However, I would STRONGLY recommend getting the water tested at the LFS, and also check alkalinity and calcium if you don't have those kits. Some kits are not as accuarte as others. How old is your tank? What kind of corals are involved? Are they new corals?