Reef Time



I've just ordered 20 lbs. of Figi cured rock. Is Figi a decent rock? Does it have much life on it? The last rock I had (about three years ago, was great, full of feather dusters and what appeared to be sponges. But I'm not for sure what kind of rock it was.) Does Figi have this kind of life. Do I need to add anything to my water to git the rock looking its best? Another thing is Figi a heavy rock..How many peices does it take to make 20 lbs. (On the average)? Is it possible for my feather duster to have a sponge on its tube? It has a bright yellow growth on the bottom of it.


New Member
I will answer what I can. Figi is a great rock, usually full of corallin algae in pink and purple. It can have life on it mostly caluperas and a little sponge. What is sounds like you had before was gulf/carribean rock. Figi is usually a light porous rock with lots of holes or lose space in it. With good lighting and trace elements this rock is just fantastic.