Reef videos and TV shows


Does anyone have any good reef videos? If so, can you give me a name and if you bought at a chain store, tell me where?? I don't want to get off on a rant, but why can I not watch a show about the most beautiful, diverse habitat on the planet without the show being based on SHARKS or ship wrecks??? Are there not enough reef tanks in this country and money invested in the hobby to warrant an occasional show on Discovery or Animal Planet??? I live in KANSAS CITY and we even have Scuba shops. Every brochure I see for Carribean vacations has a few pics of reefs. I don't see rainforest shows focusing on large, man-eating animals. Why make the reef out to be a scary place? It's no wonder that people won't lift a finger to save the reefs, but they'll send money to starving babies in foreign countries that are going to starve to death when the reefs die anyways. I have nothing against starving babies, but we'll all starve if the oceans die. Sorry. I'm a little biased on the subject. Anybody know of any good reef shows?? I think that is what this topic began as. :p


I agree totally!! I have been looking everywhere for a good reef video too with very little luck. I checked all local libraries and video rental places to no avail. The only luck I've had is on National Geographics site they have 1 reef video for sale. I don't understand why there aren't any shows on Discovery or Animal Planet either. It seems like that is one of the most fascinating areas to study exotic animals yet most of the shows focus on reptiles in the desert. And like you said when they do venture to the ocean it's always about killer sharks and ship wrecks!!


Active Member
sammy i saw that show too. it was so awesome. i wish are vcr was working so i couldve taped it :( . those shows come on every now and then on wild discovery on discovery channel. i have also seen some on national geographic. if you have oln, check that out too, they do alot of free diving on reefs and stuff like that. bo