Reef Vital vs. Ammonia Test


Has anyone ever used Reef Vital or Coral vital with Tetra's Ammonia test? I have been using both supplements conservatively for several months and never had an ammonia level that was detectable. Today I had an ammonia of 1.5mg/l (yikes!) I only recently started using more supplement, like is recommended on the package. Could this be the "false positive" the package refers too? I do a head count daily and don't have anybody MIA. I checked the manufacturer's web site and it didn't have any more to offer than the package. Any help would be appreciated. I really don't want to do a major water change if not necessary. What test brands do you recommend? Thanks, Vicki


Active Member
Definately. I religiously use both Reef Vital DNA and Coral Vital LSB. It clearly states on the back label that the use of those products will likely cause false readings for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate tests. They give a correctional factor for you to accurately achieve the real test result on the label as well. Do not be alarmed. The product is well worth it.


I assume that you are not adding it daily? On that basis, expect a high (very high at times) reading shortly after you add it. If you test it just before your next addition in a few days, you may still get a slight (false reading).
Best advice is to watch your inhabitants. If there was a problem they would show it first. If they look happy, it is most likely the Reef Vital DNA causing the reading.
Based on my experience with it, it is well worth it.
Somewhere buried at their site was a little more information on it, as it relates to a specific type of chemicals used in the test. It doesn't really say much else other than "sorry about that" and then goes on to explain how poor all of the tests being sold to hobbyists are to begin with.