Reef Water movement


What type of water movement system works best in a reef system?
-Maxi-Jets with a Red Sea Wavemaster Pro,
-Turbelle Stream Kit
- DIY closed system with 2-4 outlets powered by a mag


Active Member
Originally Posted by djevack
What type of water movement system works best in a reef system?
1. Maxi-Jets with a Red Sea Wavemaster Pro,
>>>Tough on Maxi's, starting problems, noise<<<
2. -Turbelle Stream Kit
3. - DIY closed system with 2-4 outlets powered by a mag
>>>DIY Closed Loop system, powered by external pump (not mag)<<<
Option 3.


Originally Posted by djevack
What type of water movement system works best in a reef system?
-Maxi-Jets with a Red Sea Wavemaster Pro,
-Turbelle Stream Kit
- DIY closed system with 2-4 outlets powered by a mag
Closed Loop with an Oceans Motion.


I have maxi jets with a red sea wavemaker and I love it!! My maxijets lasted longer than a year before I put them in my hospital tank. They still work though. Hagen's died in exactly one year. 3 of them!! Now I am back with maxijets, and I would not trade that set up for anything!!


my maxi jet 1200's are still going strong for 14 months now. check out my water movement. also i have hydro flows on two of the 3 mj1200



But out of the three options which will be the most beneficial for a reef tank. I know the Turbelle Stream Kits are $$$ but do they work very well. Or will 4 powerheads on a Red Sea Wavemaster work just as well. I wouldn’t mind making a closed loop system myself, Im just crazy about have pcv pipes all over the place, and worrying about an external pump failing, plus the fact of closed system normally(w/o mods, but still aren’t great) are just a steady flow unlike the Turbelle and Wavemaster. I’ve read that change of direction is beneficial for corals.

Originally Posted by mudplayerx
I use powerheads and hob filters from walmart hehe
I did think about just buying 50 cheapo powerheads from walmart and lining the entire back glass with them. :thinking:


I have a Powersweep 275gph,a Maxijet 1200, and 2 hang-on filters(Penguin 280 and a 400pgh that came with tank). I'm about to get a wet/dry system for X-mas to eliminate the hang on filters and get my protein skimmer out of the main tank. Going to either have a 600pgh or and 800gph pump to get more current. I'm happy with everything right now.


I used to have closeloop using the SQWD . It took me 4 weekends to make/fix all the pipe. It was all my mistakes. I had the intake and outtake swapped. Should have ran it through the standard bathtub test. Life long lesson - intake is toward the front of the pump, outtake is toward the side. Anyways, with a Mag 9 - 5 feet of head pressure, it did not enough power to stir up my tank. I took it down.
Then, I had 4 Maxijets on a Wavemaker Pro. It worked very well until my WM Pro died. It was a sad day. It took it down.
Now, I have 2 SEIO 560s and a maxijet on 24/7. The rest of the water movement is from the Pan World return pump operating at the effective rate of 500gph. The SEIOs are a cheaper in price and quality than the Tunze stream. You cant run the SEIO as wavemaker though.


I was talking to an online retailer where I buy some of my stuff from, he recommend the Tunze stream over maxi-jets for my size tank.


Originally Posted by lepete
I used to have closeloop using the SQWD . It took me 4 weekends to make/fix all the pipe. It was all my mistakes. I had the intake and outtake swapped. Should have ran it through the standard bathtub test. Life long lesson - intake is toward the front of the pump, outtake is toward the side. Anyways, with a Mag 9 - 5 feet of head pressure, it did not enough power to stir up my tank. I took it down.
Then, I had 4 Maxijets on a Wavemaker Pro. It worked very well until my WM Pro died. It was a sad day. It took it down.
Now, I have 2 SEIO 560s and a maxijet on 24/7. The rest of the water movement is from the Pan World return pump operating at the effective rate of 500gph. The SEIOs are a cheaper in price and quality than the Tunze stream. You cant run the SEIO as wavemaker though.
I also agree with the time involved in making a close loop system, and dont feel like spending days on one getting it to work well. plus the Tunze stream will not show as much compared to 12' on PVC


Actually, you can hide a close loop pretty well. Black PVC on black background works wonder. And, you dont have to go down all the way to the bottom/middle of the tank.
If you are worrying about hiding your pump. Look carefully the size of the Tunze. With the fewest part, my SEIO is large comparing to the maxijet.
I agree with you. DIY was fun and cost effective. However, time is tight, precious, and unrecoverable for me.