reef water params

lord fu fu

i am not new to keeping corals (i have been doing so for over a year now) but just as of yesterday i started testing my water for stuff other than salinity. are these good? btw i use salifert test kits
~salinity 1.025
~nitrate 15ppm
~calcium 350ppm
~alk 2.97
~kh 8.3


Originally Posted by Lord Fu Fu
i am not new to keeping corals (i have been doing so for over a year now) but just as of yesterday i started testing my water for stuff other than salinity. are these good? btw i use salifert test kits
~salinity 1.025
~nitrate 15ppm
~calcium 350ppm
~alk 2.97
~kh 8.3
I keep my calcium at 450-500, nitrates at 0, dkh at 7-9
I'm sure the "pros" will chime in with better input. I've had corals for about 8 months


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Lord Fu Fu
i am not new to keeping corals (i have been doing so for over a year now) but just as of yesterday i started testing my water for stuff other than salinity. are these good? btw i use salifert test kits
~salinity 1.025
~nitrate 15ppm
~calcium 350ppm
~alk 2.97
~kh 8.3

You didn't test till now??? WOW, and everything lived...for a year...double WOW
Your nitrates are fine as long as they are under 40…according to my test kit. Your calcium could be a little higher but it isn’t all that low, most say 400-450 is best.
Have you checked phosphates? Since you are checking everything else…
Any pictures of your tank? I would love to see them.


Active Member
most people try and keep their nitrates down around 5 at the highest when keeping a reef.
calcium could be alittle higher, up around 400-450


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by salt210
most people try and keep their nitrates down around 5 at the highest when keeping a reef.
calcium could be alittle higher, up around 400-450

AHH perfection...the elusive impossible...mine stay at 10, have been there for 4 years and my reef looks great. The test kit says 40 and lower as 15 can't be that bad for the OP.


Active Member
Ammonia (NH3-4)
Natural Seawater Value: 0.010 mg/L
Acceptable Range: 0.000 to 0.050 mg/L
Any ammonia level above 0.05 mg/L is a cause for concern, and the source should be found and corrected.
Nitrite (NO2)
Natural Seawater Value: 0.010 mg/L
Acceptable Range: 0.000 to 0.100 mg/L
Levels of 0.05 or less are of little concern. If the levels are higher than this, the source should be found and corrected
Nitrate (NO3)
Natural Seawater Value: 0.050 mg/L
Acceptable Range: 0.000 to 25 mg/L
Nitrate is not toxic in and of itself, but a rising level is indicative of deteriorating water conditions, and any level above 5.0 mg/L in reef aquariums is a reason for concern.
Phosphate (PO4)
Natural Seawater Value: 0.030 mg/L
Acceptable Range: 0.000 to 0.250 mg/L
The use of a phosphate absorbing resin is recommended to keep phosphate levels below 0.05 mg/L.
Calcium (Ca)
Natural Seawater Value: 400 mg/L
Acceptable Range: 350 to 450 mg/L
Calcium is a critical parameter for coral growth in reef aquariums, and chronically low levels will cause coral mortality and loss of coralline algae and other invertebrate species.
Magnesium (Mg)
Natural Seawater Value: 1280 mg/L
Acceptable Range: 1100 to 1400 mg/L
Magnesium is a very important part of the water buffering system, and is incorporated into coral skeletons. It is also critical to any photosynthetic processes.
Alkalinity (meq/L)
Natural Seawater Value: 2.5 meq/L
Acceptable Range: 2.5 to 5.0 meq/L
Maintaining an appropriate alkalinity is crucial to maintaining a healthy aquarium. A fluctuating alkalinity will lead to serious problems in maintaining an appropriate pH, as well as problems keeping calcium and magnesium levels within required ranges.

lord fu fu

i forgot to say my ammonia is 0 and i dont have a phospahte or nitrite test kit... here is a vid of my aquarium (only recently have i been really testing and stuff so the corals have only been growing lately an i will soon upgrade to a biocube since my tank has no sump or refugium)

lord fu fu

what red coral was the clowns hosting ??
haha that's funny its a cheap $10 fake anemone that i bought at my LFS