ReefRiyon 75 Gallon Reef Build Diary


Lets see, it took me one conversation in about a weeks time to get my 75 gallon aquarium. Knew nothing about it, didnt care about it, and now i cant get enough of it! I plan to build a reef because i love the corals and anemones the most....especially with Clowns and thats what i want so it all works out in my interest. i want to breed the clowns but the more i read the harder it seems. lets start off with Day 1
1/30/08: Got my stand at ***** a week before i got my tank, i just needed it. wanted to see something there...wanted to rearrange my anxious cant describe it...

2/02/08: 50lbs of Fiji Live Rock got overnight shipping from Dr. Foster and came tank yet...
2/03/08: Super Bowl Sunday! Tanks here! Filters in and running...Its a 75 Gallon All Glass with Overflow box. My friend made my filter for me since hes the expert and works at a fish store and i knew just a little about it...only problem is its loud! im used to it now...actually soothing to hear at night.

2/05/08: Ordered Nova Extreme With Lunars....coming more rock for the tank and more rubble for the filter....and snails and crabs and a fish that didnt last too long....(Friend works at a fish store so i took it just to see if it would live...) O, and a starfish...i want and i want and i want more and more and i just cant do it. i cant be spending all this money every paycheck i have its addicting sorry. After the light comes Valentines day is coming so i cant be blowing my check again on my fish becuz my gf will kill me so i will save some for the week after and get more rock to top off my tank and build a refugium and buy a protein skimmer so my filtration will be done as well as my lighting and aquascape. then on to the clowns and anemones...cant waittt. post up my light setup on thursday.


keith burn

Active Member
looking good

One question it that a loop in the hose too the sump?
Imo cut it, the pull of the water on it may pull hose off in time .


i bought 1 1/4" ID tubing but it was too tight to fit and i wouldnt be able to access my fliter. I tried looking for the similar hose only shorter but nope, cant find anything anywhere. maybe a pool store might...i was weary of cutting off the connector because it fits good with the bushing on the plexi but i dunno...the C clamps are holding up until i figure out something else...i was thinking about putting the pipe right into the water after awhile after the cotton comes out and i just have a foam pad. any ideas? the sump is louddd...water splashing sound is annoying.


I got out of work early today just to snatch it from the FedEx guy....
Actinic and 10K




I got the Current-USA Nova Extreme Pro 4x54w T5-HO 4x54w Actinic With Lunars...amazing Light!


just went to the store tonight got me a mated pair of onyx, clarkii, and a rare austrailian black and white will be posted tomorrow....acclimilating them now, prolly be up till 3.....byeee
Originally Posted by ReefRiyon
just went to the store tonight got me a mated pair of onyx, clarkii, and a rare austrailian black and white will be posted tomorrow....acclimilating them now, prolly be up till 3.....byeee
Im no expert, but i've been told not to keep more than one species of clown in the same tank, even if they are pairs?



pairs will usually stay together and stay away from long as they stay in there own territory they are fine with other clowns.
and yea my tank has been set up for a month now


Active Member
that tank is aquascaoing is looking really good!!!
I have the same lights on ly 75.. cant wait to see how they work out for you!!


aving trouble or at least i think so...why are my clownfish jolting back and forth and swimming wierd that a clownfish thing? my clarkii also swims at the top of the tank like its gasping for air....dunnnooooo. also my austrailian male likes to flirt around with my single black/white trying to keep him away from her so he could just stick with his austrailian there anything i can do?


Jmo I think you should have waited about 2 months before you add any fish to your tank. What are the readings on the water in your tank.