Referance Books for sale


I am out of the Hobby for now and have some fantastic reference books for sale.
Aquarium Sharks and Rays by Scott W. Michael (Hard back)$20
Aquarium Corals by. Eric H. Borneman (Hard Back)$30
Complete Encyclopedia of the Saltwater Aquarium by Nick Dakin (Hard Back) $25
Algae A Problem Solver Guide by Julian Sprung $5
The Saltwater Aquarium Handbook by George Blasiola $5
A commonsense guide to Fish Health by Terry Fairfield $5
Coral Magazine (Anemone fishes) October/Nov 05 issue Volume 2 Number 5 $10
Coral Magazine (Seahorses) February/March 04 volume 1 Number 1 the first magazine of a must have collection $10
Coral Magazine (Leather Corals) April/May 05 Volume 2, Number 2 $10
Dream Marine Keeping Clowns $ Free with purchase of other books
Host Sea Anemone Secrets by Dr. Ron Shimek $5
Every book/magazine here can be purchased as a bundle for an outstanding price of $75 SHIPPED. YOU CAN"T FIND A BETTER DEAL ON THIS MATERIAL bundled...



I just want to bring this thread back up. I haven't been getting any emails about my PM's and I haven't been checking the site. SO I still do have the reference material and I did send out messages to those of you that PM'ed me.


Emailed you direct that I am still interested and willing to take them as a package - just let me know.