Refractometer Calibration...?


Originally Posted by florida joe
I for one would never question any of your abilities aquatic or other wise The question here is not the reliability of a refractometer its the steps to take to recalibrate it if necessary but you are so cute when you get mad
HAHA! Sep never gets mad. Alright, being you have calibrated a great number of refractometers, I will graciously step back and turn this thread over to you.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
HAHA! Sep never gets mad. Alright, being you have calibrated a great number of refractometers, I will graciously step back and turn this thread over to you.
Right like I am going to let you step back and expose my back to you, that dumb I am not


Originally Posted by florida joe
I for one would never question any of your abilities aquatic or other wise The question here is not the reliability of a refractometer its the steps to take to recalibrate it if necessary but you are so cute when you get mad
"Whoa whoa, sorry guys, wrong room. I'll shut this door now, I was looking for the refractometer question room."


Originally Posted by molly05
Do you think your thermometer is really accurate? I don't think so.
Huh, well I guess I could send this thing in to NASA and have them perform a control study on it inside a vacuum chamber with all environmental variables ruled out. ....Wait a minute, I thought I was calibrating this for my fish tank, not for open heart surgery. Oh yeah.