Refractometer question


My dad just told me that he has a refractometer that he uses for work to test specific gravity in batteries. Can I clean and use this so I can do hypo in my tank? Are all refractometers the same. Sorry I don't know anything about them.


Well-Known Member
no, not all refractometers are the same. Some measure the sugar content of alcohol. Others measure the acid in certain products... yadda yadda. The're not all the same.
Go ahead and get you a $45 refractometer from the two doc's website - you'll never look back.


Active Member
Eh, they make 'em for beer too, better get an aquarium one with atc off the net. Try it and tell us what you get though.

btw, heyIcomefrommishawaki is eskimo for HEY THERE WALRUS I'M GONNA SHOOT YA!