

New Member
Hello all. I have grown tired of trying to guess what number my hydrometer is pointing at, or what point in the surface tension the floating glass one is supposed to be read at. I have decided to purchase a refractometer, I went to a particular web site which allows bidding to purchase your item and have found a great range of prices. My last name is not Gates, nor Walton, therefore I want to get a good deal. Seems to me they range in price from $35ish to $300ish. The old saw "You get what you pay for" not withstanding. Any real reason I can't buy a $35 one. Logic to me dictates that bending light in a particular angle doesn't really require lots of moving parts that will wear out. People on this board say things like "make sure you ask here before you buy". So that's what I'm doing. Thanks in advance.


Hi! I purchased my refractometer from this site and am thrilled with it! :jumping:
Its quick and easy to use and so much more accurate than a hydrometer. You won't
regret getting one. :jumping: If you can find one for a good price on that "other" site
I'd say "go for it!"