Refug Plan?????


Active Member
can anyone draw out a plan for a 20 gallon long tank i want it to be a refug so I can grow macro algae in it to help reduce my trates some.i dont have any of the equipment or pumps yet can you suggest any for me i dont want it to be too expensive but yet effective some please help me out here:(


look at my post titled broncofish, and other fuge experts
DvSKin offered a great plan for me that i am implementing as we speak
i took a 20 gallon long tank and i cot 2 pieces of acrylic to make baffles, they have set and been water tested.
tonight i am setting it up
i am buying 1 inch tubing from HD, along with a ball valve and union valve with a tee
i am putting tee in the drain and running it to the new fuge with ball valve
go check the post DvSKin drew a pic too


if that design does not work for you, there are going to be at least 50 threads in the last 2 months on the exact same subject. just do a search for refugium or fuge and look at all the ones with file attatchments till you find something you like.