refug project


I have decided to try and build a refug.
I have a few questions-
1. In my tank (75 reef) I do not have a dsb should I put one in the refug?(if not DSB then what kind of bottom should I do?)
2. What kind of flow is best? (I am thinking about doing the rubbermaid tub overflow idea and punping out of my sump).
3. The main reason that I am doing this is for water quality- so I am thinking about trying xenia- is there anything that I should know or do?
4. Light - I have read about the lights from home depot- is this the preferred method(I like the price)....
I am excited about trying to build this thing and I think it can only help the creatures in my care.
I have been reading lots of the fuge posts and am trying to figure out what will be the best for my situation. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.


Personally I have plans to run a DSB in my 55 fuge project,
I will hope to use Cheto and not xenia, xenia would need more lighting I think.
I plan on 5x to 7x the water volume for flow.
My fuge will be gravity fed.


I will also be upgrading the entire lighting system on my main tank. Going MH/VHO combo. Thats right I'll be playing with the big boys.


Active Member
Maybe you could try a fuge something like this one. Put a plexiglass dam in one section and let the water spill over the side. This will both oxygenate the water and will also smooth out the water flow so that you evenly distribute nutrients to your plants. This will cause the roots to grow more evenly, rather than just toward the area of highest flow.
I used a simple home depot fixture for my fuge. It holds 2 flourescent tube (normal output) for a total of 40 watts. I use regular plant grow lights for this. They cause the algae to grow better.
[edit] one thing to add... It is unlikely that adding a DSB will help you much unless your fuge is large compared to the size of your tank (not sure the ratio). You'd probably be better off with just the algae and any mud that they require to root in. I just have a bare bottom in my fuge. Some people put LR in their fuges also. That helps more with nitrate removal and gives a safe haven for some of the critters that live in LR.


Active Member
Bioballs are used mostly to grow aerobic bacteria. These are bacteria that live in high oxygen environments and are good at removing ammonia.
LR is denser, more porus and holds more areas of oxygen POOR areas. This produces anerobic bacteria. This bacteria works to reduce nitrite and nitrate.
If you used bioballs instead of LR, you would actually have LESS area for the anerobic bacteria to live. Think about it this way, Bioballs are smooth on a microscopic scale. Most of the bacterial will be on the surface where there is a high concentration of dissolved oxygen.
LR is very porus microscopically and therefore will have more bacteria deep within the pores that live in oxygen poor areas, therefore reducing more nitrates.