refugiem ideas? and also a humidifier question

i have a ten gallon tank sitting around and an extra eheim2213 canister filter sitting would i go about hooking it up as a refugium to my main tank with that setup and anybody have any diagrams on how to build one and whats needed in them....
then here the 2nd question...i live in a 2 bedroom apt with a big living room stupid roomate just bought a humidifer telling me that my 50gal tank is causing the room to be dry and thats why he cant breath,,,and so also he tells me that the humidifer is going to make my tank not loose so much water and the place wont be pretty sure 99.97% sure my tank isnt the cause of all this and that he being stupid..someone please prove him wrong...thanks


Active Member
Looking at your avatar you look like the kind of guy that could just have your roomate whacked and not have to worry about it! :D In my experience it is just the opposite - having an open water aquarium acts alot like a humidifier! Whenever I go into my LFS it always feels like I am going into a tropical rain forest!
As far as fuge, this a rough diagaram of how you can make it work. I am in the process of setting one up now myself and will have a DIY w/pictures on my website when I am done. Broomer and MLM helped me refine it.


Yeah...tell him to try a DEhumidifier....with evaporation the room would have alot of moisture in it.
GL :)


New Member
I used to work for an air conditioning company. The humidifier is going to make your apt feel alot hotter than it is. Wet heat is hotter than dry heat at the same temp. For example, if your thermostat says 70 and you have a humidifier it will feel like 73 in your apt. Also your air conditioner will run longer cycles to try to remove the moisture out of the air. Your AC accounts for around 80% of your electric bill. So I would strongly recommend doing away with a humidifier unless it is necessary for health reasons or you don't mind high electric bills. Oh and by the way, the tank is also adding humidity to the air so a humidifier would be overkill.
thanks guys for proving him wrong.I knew he was wrong also.but swamp rat you are right about the heat thing our apt feels warmer and the heat hasnt been running as much as before..and its been a

here in chicago with the cold........
attml :Looking at your avatar you look like the kind of guy that could just have your roomate whacked and not have to worry about it! : haha you know it;)
but with the refugium would i beable to use the 2 canister filters