refugium advise



I bought some cheito 3 days ago and put it in my refugium. Problem is I have a ton of current in there, it seems to be tearing the cheito apart...can there be to much current in a refugium? Will the cheito bounce back? Should the current be slow or is the fast water movement ok? Any advise on this would be great.


all in one...this was my first build, the overflow goes in the first chamber where the cheito is and other micro algae, live rock and sand. Then it goes into the middle chamber. Ive got sand and my frags in it...flow might be better there. The first chamber has a lot of current do to the overflow. The cheito has tangled up with the other plants in there so its not bouncing all over anymore but Ive lost some of it. Just not sure what to do.


Ok...and what is the gph of your return pump at your correct height of the return line? I have an all-in-one also and had to just get a smaller pump. Really cut down on the overflow noise also.


Most builds ive seen with your configuration have the sand and cheato in the middle section. Thats how mine is. My first section is so turbulent there is no way a ball of cheato would last 30 seconds in there. But I have a 6' drop from the DT so that probably adds to it.
If its not too much trouble you should be able to put your cheato in with the frags. Only downside is the macroalgae should really be getting lighting at seperate times from the DT but maybe you can work that in with your frags too.


Well I think I have it fixed. I went to the hardware store and bout a pvc adjustable elbow and put it on the end of the hose coming into the sump. It has really slowed the current down. The refugium still has good flow but its not so turbulant. I wish I knew then what i know now about building a sump/refugium. I would do things different. I think Im going to move my frags into my dt and put more cheito in the middle chamber. My return pump is a mag 7 my return line is about 4ft give or take just a little. My dt is 80 gal and my sump was made out of a 29 gal tank. I run the light on my sump/refugium at night when the dt light is off. My light is a 65wt corallife PC. Does this sound right. How fast does cheito grow? Thanks again guys for your help!!!


you could always put another partition in the middle chamber for your frags :)