Refugium and Sump?


OK, I am felling a bit dumb asking this question, but do you need to have a sump if you have a refugium? If so what is the better way to go. Separate or as a combo of the two.
Also one more dumb question, I have read a bit about bio balls not being a good idea, however my LFS today they said it was a must. I am looking to do a DIY, and will be needing any help I can get, and diagrams would be nice.
Thanks in advance, for the help, and not laughing at me publicly


here is a good diagram of a 10gal sump/fuge that fits for a 55gal main tank
the bak pak is a kind of skimmer you dont have to use it you could put a different kind of skimmer in its place though


Active Member
Hey, I had the same problem when I started, I had no clue what a Reef even meant, I thought it was all the same. That's before I found As for the sump/refugium thing, I don't know how it really works on a smaller tank, like a 29G, but I know that what I have done seems to work. It's for a 75G. Water flows down into the Bio-Tower, into the first LR stage, and then out into the main Refugium Area, via holes drilled in the sides of the Bio-Tower. In this area, there is a DSB, LR, Caulerpa, and a Hang-On Skimmer. This whole area is lit. The water is then returned via a Mag 7. If you still find this confusing, read my post in the Equipment and DIY Forum, which is a little more detailed.
PS The Equipment and DIY Forum will probably be of more help to you in this area.


New Member
I'm starting a 55g and I have a spare 10g for a sump/fuge. What return pump do you have? What is a good skimmer?


Well there are all kinds of good skimmers imo, berlin skimmers are real good. I think what you are going to do witht the tank ie, fo, folr, reef and etc. plays a factor in your decision for quality of skimmer you want. If you were setting up a reef I would go with at least a berlin. Try doing some research on this.
As far as my return pump i have a cap 1200 from ---- for I think 24 bucks it flows around 300gph with 4 foot head<

how far the water has to travel to your main tank


Hi, Here is my set up the sump on the left and refuge on the right. I think keeping them seperate is better for flow. IMO