Refugium!!! Boy Does it Work Great!!!


Well about a 35 days ago I added a CPR AquaFuge hang on refugium to my tank. I really did not know what to expect from it. I knew it would help control my Nitrate, Phosphate, which inturn would reduce my bad algea. But I did not expect the great results I have experienced. My Nitrates would hold at about 25ppm and there was always a trace of phosphates. I always thought there was no way to get Nitrates to zero but my last 3 test 0ppm my Phosphates are also at zero. There is also Macro algea starting to pop up everywhere on my live rock. My pod population in the refugium is starting to boom. Overall I am so pleased. I just thought I would share my good news. Sorry so long. :)


I've had the same great results with mine. I installed it about a month ago, and low and behold, in two weeks the Nitrates (which normally hovered around 10-15ppm) were at zero. It's held there for two weeks now, and I already had to harvest half of the caulerpa last weekend. I would say a Refugium is the best thing I've ever built, or purchased for my reef. :D

nm reef

Active Member
Glad to hear its working well on your system...I've always wondered about the hang on refugiums. There have been several posts asking how effective they we have a credible source of info on them. My refugiums are not hang ons but I've decided that a well set-up/functioning refugium is a very positive addition for any reef. By the way my nitrates and phosphates have been non-detectable for several months. Continuied good reefing to you...congrads on the positive addition... :cool:


Hey NW and 10k,
It was well worth the money even though it is small it is serving its purpose and doing a great job. I am very satisfied. For it to bring my Nitrates down to zero just makes me so excited. I just could never get them down.
Sea Wraith,
I am using that boi-activated live sand that you can get at any lfs/pet store and I have about 3 lbs of live Rock. I also have 3 different Macroalgea in there Grape, Razor, and Feather I believe. I am running a JBJ 18w 12" Clamp on PC 24 hours a day on it. I did not think I would see pods as soon as I have. HTH


Sea Wraith,
I have the 12" one which is actually 13 1/2". I have an acrylic tank it that is the only one that would fit. I have about 3" of sand in there along with the live rock and macro. Where do you live on the coast. I am originally from Texas. I lived in a small town on the Gulf Coast, Palacios ever hear of it, about 1 1/2 hours up from Corpus Christie.


Originally posted by ak_reefer:
[QB]Sea Wraith,
I have the 12" one which is actually 13 1/2"./QB]<hr></blockquote>
I'm sending them a ruler <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> . That extra 1 1/2 inches almost screwed me up.
Obviously I would prefer a much larger refugium and a sump, but an overflow with the tank just above my furnace simply isn't a good idea. I already had a sump drop 7 gallons onto the floor, so I went with the hang on. I too have the 12 inch on a 75 gallon. Since adding it, the nitrates dropped from 10-15 to 2 or 3. I still need to set it up with sand and live rock rubble. Mine came the third week of March (bad time for my occupation) and I just threw the macroalgae in it until I could set it up the way that I wanted to. Right now it's a "ain't broke don't fix it" that is getting held off until other things get done outside. Light is the Jalli 13 and it fits perfectly on it and is sealed.


What is the return like on those hang ons? Is it a gravity return or a pump? I am trying to decide if I want to go reef ready on a 90 or not. I would make a sump/refigium on the Reef ready, but if I go with the non rr I will get one of those hang ons. Any other info on the things would be helpful.


The intake is handled by a small powerhead. The output is an overflow that is identical to the return on the CPR Bakpak. Fully 360 degree adjustable within the tank itself.


not trying to bash the cpr hang on as I have one myself but watch out for the return losing it's syphon because of a build up of air bubbles. this happens monthly and if you do not catch it in time the refugium will overflow. Also make sure you either replace the POS Rio pump it comes with or set up a regular monthly schedule to clean it or it will fail on you. Like I said not trying to bash this product as I have one and it sure does it's job in lowering nitrates but it does have some problems that you need to watch out for.


I use the regulator on the intake to make sure that the portion where the return tube is has a drop of two or three inches from the main refugium portion. This limits (almost eliminated) the bubbles in the return tube. That level is looked at on a daily basis when the fish are fed. It still needs looked at occasionally, but it did eliminate that problem. I think it also helps with the nitrate removal by forcing a slower passage of water through the plants. That gives them time to absorb any nutrients. It also adds a very slow waterfall before the water is returned to the tank.
As for the pump - it's a Rio - replacing it is always the best idea for anything that says Rio.
Checking any equipment on a regulor basis should simply be SOP. This is no exception.