Refugium flow rate ?s


I have a 30 gallon reef with a small space under it in which I hope to put a refugium for macroalgae. The only tank i could fit under there would be a 5 and 1/2 gallon arcrylic or possibly a plastic container slightly larger. I was wondering the specifics of plumbing the fuge. From what I understand, I can use a powerhead to extract water from the tank and a small submersible pump to put run the water back? Am i right so far??? I also know that the gph of the two should match. If so, what gph should i be looking for? Would it be feasible to have a 110 gph powerhead and a pump that runs about the same? What do you guys think?
Thanks a lot !!!


You have to use an overflow not a pump to get water from the tank to the refug and then a pump to pump it back to the main tank. As the pump returns water it feeds the overflow with water so the flow rates always match. If you tried to do it with two pumps it would be impossible to match the flow rates.


Thanks a lot for the reply; good thing you told me :) So what kind of overflow can be fit in a 30 gallon? I have a Magnum and a Seaclone on their already so i don't have too much room. Is there a certain type overflow to use so it matches the pump gph? And what pump gph should i aim for?
Thanks for all the help - David


The smallest one CPR makes I believe is the one I use for my 46g, it has a max flow rate of 300 gph. You want a return pump with a slower flow rate then your overflow, or you can use a ball valve, which you should use anyway to control the flow rate. My overflow looks like its about 6 inches long.


Oh forgot the gph your aiming for, I'd say go for 30-40 gph running through the refugium, so you dont need a very big pump.