Refugium for 55 Gallon Tank


New Member
So, I've decided that I should add a refugium to my 55 gallon tank. It will:
a. increase water volume
b. give me a place to grow macro algae
c. add more live rock to my tank
d. move my skimmer to the bottom of the tank
e. other things that I hope you guys will share with me
From my research I've found that many people like CPR and their things. The Aqufuge Pro was my first choice but I've heard the skimmer is about as effective as my Seaclone 100 so there's no reason to get a second bad skimmer. My next option is to get the Aquafuge MP. It looks nice enough, and I think the medium would fit nicely under my tank. I can purchase a light made to go on top of it, a big plus in my book. I have read that a DSB would be very beneficial in my refugium. Something on the scale of 4-6 inches, that's very doable and seems reasonable. As much as I'd like to have a mud bed, all the negative things I've read about it have scared me off, especially when a DSB seems to be very acceptable as a means of filtration. So, now come my questions as to what I haven't found while researching.
1. What other equipment do I need besides this refugium and the light. I'm guessing some aquarium hosing, and a pump but what sort of pump? I'm sparing no expense, I'm tired of buying cheap things that don't really work (see Seaclone 100 lol, thank god for mods.
2. Is there a better, prebuilt refugium that I should get? I'm not a DIY'er for building stuff (it doesn't turn out pretty)
3. What other benefits will having a refugium bring me?
4. What did I understand that was wrong in what I wrote here?
Man...many, many, many thanks to anyone who reads all of this. I've been reading up on message boards for about 2 weeks making sure I didn't ask too many questions that had already been asked. If you have any other threads that you think might be helpful please post those too, I love learning about this stuff and want to make sure I do all this right the first time!
info about my tank (55 gallon show tank, 110lbs of live rock, 55lbs of live sand, 1 clown fish, 2 spotted cardinals, 1 scissor tail goby, jager 150w heater, seaclone 100 mod'ed, current usa compact florescent 2x65w white, 2x65w actinic, and moon LEDs and some powerheads for good measure)


Search refugium in here.
Many benefits, you'll see when you start reading.
Not hard to DIY, cheaper, you can by a tank at your LFS and have Ho. Depot cut some 1/4" acrylic to size for the baffles.
I watch it more than my DT.


Vito. I just made the same commitment you are going to make, I got a refugium for a 37 gal SWT.My tank isn,t drilled so of course i had to have a overflow box hanging on the side, not all that pretty but very functional. Is you'r tank drilled????. My advice ''and believe me i'm no expert on these things'' Would be to try and locate a used one for a good price one with everything you need hoses,skimmer. pumps, sponge and overflow box'' if your tank isnt drilled.'' kind of plug and play. You will be amazed after a few days how clear and clean the tank becomes just by adding a refugium. Asked the panel about how long and what size lights you need for the refugium and how long to leave them on. Good luck and hope it all works out for you.Let us know when you get it going and dont forget some photos


Active Member
I don't know what kind of room you have under your 55, but probably a 20L would be perfect for your sump/fuge. DIY isn't as hard as you think. And I don't like the cpr overflow boxes... I use a ESHOPPS U tube and it works fantastic!


New Member
DIY is definitely not for me...i've been down the "oh DIY is actually quite easy" road too many times, does anyone have a suggestion on a good non-HOT refugium, premade for me to buy?