Refugium Help


New Member
Hey Guys,
I did some searching on the archives but couldn't find what i was looking for so I apologize if this is a repeat thread. I have a couple of questions.....
How do you feel about setting up a fuge from day one while cycling?
Connected to system or not?
Also slightly OT but I never had a fuge or a skimmer so for my new 125 I will have both....
Run the skimmer from day one or wait for cycle to finish?
I thinks that's it for now Thank alot,


What would I do?
Hard cycle them both together
not use the skimmer at all for a couple of months (or only when needed)
Also, if possible get the fuge above the display so it can gravity feed live pods into the tank (not motor whipped).
Good luck!

nm reef

Active Member
Myself I would cycle the refugium/display at the same time and I'd see no reason not to run the skimmer.:cool: