Refugium idea


Right now i just set up my HOB refugium. which is a Millenium 2000 HOB filter. live rock pieces,cheato,filter floss. have a 13wattpc bulb on top of it,its what goes in the eclipse hoods.
Then i have a All Glass 2.5gallon laying around. i was toying with this idea as well. what if i got rid of the HOB refugium and setup this tank as my refugium? i have a aquaclear 4000 powerhead laying around,have the tank and lighting. all i need is hose to connect to the powerhead. now would i just make a compartment for the powerhead like a chamber or just lay it in there? this is for my 20gal nano. do i need filter floss?
in the long run is this any better then my HOB setup right now?


Active Member
I would say that it would be better than what you have simply because of it's larger capacity. You would need some way to keep your pump seperate so that you do not suck algae into your pump and clog it up. I would put a baffle in it to keep it seperate... Couldn't you just add a 10 gallon tank instead? Chaeto will fill up a 2.5 gal tank pretty fast. Where do you plan on putting the fuge? Do you have room under your stand or would this have to be beside your tank? What other filter systems do you have on your tank?


I have a extra 10 gal laying around. but i have no room for it. i could fit the 2.5 under my stand,but would like to figure some way to fasten brackets to the wall and have the tank sitting right behind the main tank. I have a skimmer,two powerheads,HOB refugium on the main tank. which is alot of water movement and skimmer does a great job. if it over grows the setup then i could add some to the tank or just toss it.