refugium idea

Just trying to get some info for a friend I met at the LFS. He wants to do a refugium and wants to add small fish to the fuge is this ok? If it is I might try that also when my troubles are over and my new tank is finished. If it is ok to have small fish say damsels or gobies something like that along with the usual algae will everything still be ok levels wise? I kinda think it sounds cool thanks from the both of us for any assistance you guys can give, I have gotten much help from this site already.


Not sure if this can be done...but why would you want a fish under a stand that you cannot see?
oh he said that it will be in the open his stand has a shelf and he wants to place the fuge there and run everything through the back of the stand. I saw some drawings and they do not look bad you can see the tubes etc but it kinda lends to the neatness of the design. would the livestock be ok orwould it hamper the filtration aspect of the fuge and other stuff?
Thanks alot as I said it sounds like a good idea and I may try it but I wanted to be sure that it would be ok and not cause some long term damage to the system. I really like this site I have gotten info that has helped many hobbist like myself and I can go back and sound like a genius to the( of course afterwards I tell them my sources) but it still feels like I am learning a great deal from just here, reading other posts and such. But back to the topic I thought Sea horses do not do so well in Captivity, which kind if any are ok to keep and are they expensive? If too extravagant I will discard that notion and try some other non reef safe starfish etc. But SeaHorses do sound cool what are they feeding suggestions. Sorry if I am rambling on but I will like to go back with enough info to help him as well as educate myself. And again Thanks guys.


Active Member
Once a tank is mature/established and stable - it's perfectly fine to add a fish or two to a refugium.
The term refugium is just that. A place to add creatures to keep them protected from other creatures.
It gives them refuge ~ shelter or protection from danger ( Webster's definition )
In our hobby - we tend to think refugiums are a place for growing algae and pods.
They are indeed just that ~ but that's not all that a fuge can be.
You can add about anything you want to a refugium.
But doing so - you must be aware of a few things.
What is the main goal of the refugium ?
If it's for increasing the population of pods and other micro-critters, then by adding a fish - you defeat the purpose.
The goal will not be met.
If the fuge is primarily for nitrate reduction - by harvesting macro alage/caulerpa each month - by adding a fish to this area of very slow flowrates - will not hurt so much - but it will not help in my way of thinking.
If you're concern is nitrate reduction - don't add anything to the refugium that will add ammonia~nitrites~nitrates to this slow water circulation area. The goal is nitrate reduction - not a place to keep a fish.
If on the other hand - you want to add a fish to "watch" it in the refugium - that's cool. As long as you realize the impact of this fish on the refugium - then no problem.
Same goes for clean-up crews and other inverts.
What's your reason for having the refugium ?
Answer yourself that questions - and the rest becomes clear.


I knew Bill Nye would show up for this one! Thanks how about some structural engineering for me?